Keys For Life

Preparing young people for safer driving is an important part of the Western Australian road safety strategy.

Keys4Life is a comprehensive, national, award-winning, evidence-based, pre-driver program that assists parents, schools and agencies to educate young people about safer road use. It also provides licensing and graduation benefits. It can be implemented in schools with Year 10-12 students, and in agencies with young adults. The program is funded by the Road Safety Commission, administered by SDERA and delivered by registered Keys4Life facilitators. Port offers the Keys4Life program to students aged 16 years and over.

Keys4Life runs for two terms, providing each student with the opportunity to have hands-on experience with changing wheels, performing safety checks, checking fluid levels and changing oil and fuel filters.

Not only do students have these real-life learning experiences, they also receive extensive education regarding road rules, driver and passenger safety and costs and requirements of owning a car and having a valid licence.


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Providing a real alternative for adolescents who need a different kind of school.

(08) 9335 6323