National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

National Principles for Child Safe Organisations

Port School is committed to the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. These principles were endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) in 2018, and are based on the Royal Commission’s Child Safe Standards. They drive the implementation of a child safe culture across all sectors providing services to children and young people, ensuring their safety and wellbeing.

The National Principles collectively show that a child safe organisation is one that creates a culture, adopts strategies and takes action to promote child wellbeing and prevent harm to children and young people.

A child safe organisation consciously and systematically:

  • Creates an environment where children’s safety and wellbeing is the centre of thought, values and actions.
  • Places emphasis on genuine engagement with and the valuing of children.
  • Creates conditions that reduce the likelihood of harm to children and young people.
  • Creates conditions that increase the likelihood of identifying harm.
  • Responds to any concerns, disclosures, allegations or suspicions of harm.

The principles also emphasise the importance of culturally safe environments and practices for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people.

Port School’s commitment to the National Principles can be seen in our policies, procedures and daily practice.
These put the safety and wellbeing of children and young people at the forefront of everything we do, and are embedded and reflected in our Vision, Purpose and Values.

Port School’s Vision

  • To provide a safe, nurturing and supportive environment in which students are empowered to lead purposeful and fulfilling lives.

Port School’s Purpose

  • Our Vision is attained by creating an environment that:
      • Is safe, nurturing and inclusive.
      • Fosters confidence, personal best and respect for self and others.
      • Inspires students to live purposeful lives.

Port School’s Values

  • Empowerment.
  • Diversity.
  • Growth.
  • Community.

More information regarding the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations can be found at:

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